5 ways to combat creative block

Creativity is not rhubarb, you can't force it. But there are ways of encouraging creative thought. Here's how it happens fearlessly at Valhalla...

Loosen up

Creativity needs constraint. Without a problem to solve, creativity has no oxygen. It's only when there is a problem, that you can set about creatively solving it. However, the first step is to loosen the constraints. Throw off the shackles and get underway. Putting the first mark on a blank piece of paper is intimidating. Painters often start a picture by putting a wash over their entire canvas. This helps to break through the paralysing effect of not knowing how to start. Begin drawing or writing something. Anything. Nothing is wrong at this stage. Every idea is a bridge to the best idea.

Be critical

Much like many other challenges, solving lots of small problems rather than trying to solve the big one all in one go, helps to get the creative juices flowing. For example, the Valhalla branding process always starts by gathering as much information as possible during the initial discovery stage of a project. This helps to frame the problem. Then, I'll research what other businesses are doing in the market and judge whether they are doing it well (or not). If they're doing it badly, I consider why, which leads you to begin thinking about what a better solution might be. It gives you something to respond to and begins to get the creative juices flowing.

Break it down

Another example of starting small is to focus on just one element of the solution. For example, what typography might be appropriate to deliver the brand personality. By sifting through possible typeface options, I'm making countless small decisions about whether each font helps present the right visual tone for the message. Making these micro-choices helps to kick-start the creative process. And, it also puts me in a frame of mind where bigger ideas are more likely to arrive.

Put your brain into neutral

It's counter-intuitive but, the way to find ideas is not to go looking for them. You can't force creativity, it's not rhubarb. In my experience, all the best ideas usually arrive when you're thinking about something else. Occupying your brain with something else, allows your powerful subconscious to do its magic. Although this sounds like you might not be in control, it's like a muscle. It gets more effective the more you use it. The secret seems to be thinking about something else. A couple of perfect idea-generating states that work for me are when I'm driving or trying to get to sleep. Or when I'm on holiday! The minute I'm not supposed to be thinking about work, the ideas start popping up like whack-a-moles!

Accidentally on purpose

Sometimes ideas arrive by accident. I'm not sure if you can even technically call them ideas. Leaning on your keyboard and selecting a colour you wouldn't have chosen deliberately, can often take you somewhere brilliant. I guess the creativity here, is recognising the potential and going with it. It works because it delivers something different from what is expected. Grabbing people's attention and making your solution more memorable.


Valhalla delivers brands that land with your audience. Offering your business a lot more than pure design, the Valhalla 3D Branding Process embodies three fiercely guarded values: Clarity, Courage and Craftsmanship. When I develop brands, I share your ambition to conquer markets and achieve glorious victory!


Exploring the values of your business together and discovering what makes it formidable. Nobody knows more about your business than you, and I’m a super-listener. I know exactly which questions to ask, and I’ll help you to find the right answers. By the end of this step, you will have thought about your business in new ways and will be able to describe it with clarity.


Transforming what your business stands for into a powerful branding message with a choice of fearlessly creative ideas. My mission is to help you tell the world exactly why it should care about your business. This isn’t something to be shy about. Your customers should notice you, remember you and understand exactly what you can do for them.


Converting your preferred creative route into an arsenal of powerful tools. Sharp enough to get you noticed, and remembered, and to get your customers fully engaged. I’ve worked with words, pictures, colour and typography for over 30 years. When I work on your brand, my approach is the same as if I were working on my brand. And when your business reaches branding Valhalla, it’s a victory we can celebrate together!


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