Rebrand project

Sunil Patel is a compliance consultant. His company, SXP7 Consulting Limited, assists financial organizations in meeting their regulatory requirements. He helps clients mitigate the risk of financial penalties, reputational damage, and criminal sanctions by guiding them to become fully compliant businesses.

Brand rename

At the end of the Discovery process, we concluded that the original name SXP7 Consulting didn't clearly convey what the business was about. The decision was made to change the name to SPX Compliance. The 'SP' represents Sunil, whilst the 'X' symbolizes collaboration with other organisations. It can be read as Sunil Patel X (multiplied by) the client. The 'X' has other meaningful interpretations as well.

The concept of Multiplication also reflects the results achieved during and after each project, which are greater than what would be achieved by each party acting independently.

The ambition and scope of each project varies, and the 'X' represents that potential.

Lastly, with previous experience working for the regulator, Sunil brings valuable insight for interpreting and understanding regulations. Coupled with extensive experience consulting for a diverse range of clients, SPX Compliance possesses a rare and unique X-factor.

Changing 'Consulting' to 'Compliance' provides a clearer description of the service offered.


To represent the business's values, a strapline was introduced, made up of three words identified during the Discovery process, outlining the differentiating factors of the SPX Compliance offering.

Scrupulous - Doing everything correctly and exactly as it should be done. Honest, Careful, Accurate, exact, and moral.

Sustainable - The business specialises in establishing frameworks that continue to work beyond the end of the project.

Transformative - This references Sunil's specific expertise in running compliance transformation projects.

“In some respects, I think you provided business coaching services but had to go down that path to truly deliver on a brand. Your challenge helped shape it.”

Sunil Patel, SPX Compliance

The logo

The main wordmark is made from two separate typefaces. Krub Medium delivers characterful curves for the SPX component, while Europa Regular, lends a straighter treatment to the word compliance. For consistency, the ‘P’s were matched across both words.

All characters were then completely re-spaced. The solid grey version (above) shows the original position, and the keyline, the final re-draw. 

The ‘P’ and the ‘M’ line up on their left-hand sides to provide the lock-up with stability. Whilst the curve of the ‘X’ 'continues' down through the ‘A’, and the ‘S’ sits comfortably above the space created above the ‘C’ and the ‘O’.

The icon

The abstract X icon is created from evenly spaced parallel lines, representing compliance. Each line is compliant with its neighbour. The blue and pink half join together like links in a chain, symbolizing the partnership between SPX Compliance and its clients.

Other visual elements were created to use in the wider delivery of the brand, including icons representing the three differentiating pillars of the business, listed in the strapline (above), and a set of 'X-factor' patterns, used initially in the website design (below).

Brand Book and Brand Tool Kit

As with all Valhalla Branding projects, a Brand Book was created to provide guidelines for the application of the brand. A selection of pages are shown below.

“I certainly think it's value for money and such a key component of the business, especially when I think about the time you spent and the quality of what you delivered.

Sunil Patel, SPX Compliance

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